Our Skincare Journal

Swimming is undoubtedly the best exercise to get a shaped body and a sound mind. Well, I know this statement is not new for you. But, what I am about to tell you is entirely beneficial and vital for all swimming lovers. Here, you will be informed about top 10 swimming care tips to make your swimming safer and enjoyable.
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Finally, we are ready to enjoy summer that lifts your spirit and bring the trend of vibrant color and stylish outfits. But, you can’t ignore that summer invites sun tan that leaves behind pigmentation. You might be ready with your skin specialist like best sunscreen to prevent a tan.
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Swimming is an excellent exercise and sometimes a hobby for some people. But, swim or not to swim is the ultimate question that arises when it comes to caring for your skin and hair. Swimming pool contains chlorinated water that causes hair and skin damage. Read to find out how chlorine causes damage to hair and skin and to know the best products to combat it.
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Who can predict when we have to meet the girls for an impromptu weekday dinner after a super long day at work? Or when we have to leave the comfort of our air-conditioned office environs to meet an important client in the middle of the scorching summer day? And, how can we forget the times when we run into our most recent crush during that weekend grocery run in our sweats and unwashed hair?
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Of all the hair-related issues swimmers face, dried-out hair and green hair tint are pretty common. However, if your hair is dyed, it is really necessary to know how to protect hair while swimming. The chlorine, copper, water, sun, and other chemicals can fade or otherwise affect the colored hair. Let me share some cool tips to help you protect your hair while swimming. These tips will help to maximize the return on your time and cash investments in color treatments. You could safely avoid repeat trips to the salon for touch-ups, for which the cost really adds up.
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