Here's Why You Should Be Scrubbing Your Lips

| 17 Feb 2020

Here's Why You Should Be Scrubbing Your Lips

These days there's a scrub for absolutely everything – face scrubs, body scrubs, and even hair scrubs! So, lip scrubs can understandably get lost in the mix a little bit. It's time that you sit up and pay attention to the humble lip scrub, though. Lip scrubbing can give you soft, kissable lips, and who doesn't want that?

Lips have a thinner top layer of skin than the rest of our body, making them more susceptible to dryness and damage. Unfortunately, winter can be especially rough on them. That's exactly where the benefits of lip scrubs come in! Lip scrubbing can slough away the dryness and leave you with lovely smooth lips.

What is a Lip Scrub?

Just like the body scrub you use in the shower to exfoliate your body, lip scrubbing does the same for your lips. Wash away all the dead skin cells which our body naturally produces and let the fresh new skin underneath shine.

Most lip scrubs will contain little hard beads, which are the exfoliants. They often also come in a handy tube that looks a bit like lipstick for easy use.

Benefits of Lip Scrubs

There are many benefits of lip scrubs. Lots of lip scrubs have an oil used as a base, such as coconut oil. Oils can help hydrate and moisturize our lips. This is great as you're getting two for one – hydration while exfoliating.

Lip scrubbing can make your lips less susceptible to dryness and get rid of the building up of dry skin that naturally occurs on our lips. This helps lip balms and creams adhere better, as they have a smooth surface for application.

If you often get cracked skin on your lips in winter, this can be really sore and get quite red and hot. This can be really uncomfortable. Lip scrubbing can prevent this and also help with it if it does occur.

How to Use a Lip Scrub


It's key that you start off with wet lips before you apply a lip exfoliator. Have you ever tried to exfoliate anywhere on your body while it's dry? It's not a good time! It's scratchy and uncomfortable. That's why you've got to make sure that you wet your lips before you begin.

Then you start lip scrubbing by massaging in your chosen scrub in small, circular motions. You can easily do this with your hands, but you could also choose to use a washcloth or brush to do this.

DIY Lip Scrubs

Some lip exfoliators can get pretty pricey! We know the stress of spending your whole paycheck on makeup and skincare (oops!) and then remembering that you've got bills to pay. That's why we've compiled this list of much cheaper DIY lip scrubs that you can make right at home. Many of the ingredients you'll find that you already have! With all the benefits of lip scrubs, we know you want to get in on the lip scrubbing action.

Coconut and Sugar DIY Lip Scrub


This is a top favorite recipe of ours because it tastes yummy as well as being effective! Mix equal parts of solid coconut oil and castor sugar in a small dish. We recommend around 1 tablespoon of each. Then you simply apply to your lips, you can use your fingers for this. Massage it in with small round motions. Then rinse and voila, beautiful smooth lips.

Peppermint DIY Lip Scrub

If you like the zing of peppermint to revitalize you in the morning, you're going to love this scrub. Mix up the below ingredients to make this one:

  • 8 drops of peppermint oil (or choose another essential oil – orange or lavender would be lovely too)
  • 2 tablespoons Oil (olive or coconut is great)
  • 2 tablespoons castor sugar
  • ½ teaspoon of grapeseed oil

Once you've made your mixture, rub it into your lips. Enjoy the tingle of the peppermint as well as the tantalizing flavor. Just don't eat the mixture, though you may be tempted!

Cinnamon DIY Lip Scrub

If you're a sugar and spice and all things nice kinda gal, this cinnamon lip scrub is for you! Breathe in the soft scent of cinnamon while your lips lap up the nourishing oil and honey. Because this recipe uses ground cinnamon, it is less harsh than other scrubs, which contain larger granules such as brown sugar. Enjoy the gentle exfoliation this scrub offers.

Combine half a tablespoon of honey and olive oil with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder to make your mix. Then start scrubbing! Massage firmly into your lips in a circular motion. Cinnamon can give your lips a plumper appearance, so prepare to have your pout transformed; no surgery required.

So, start scrubbing those lips with one of our wonderful DIY lip scrubs. With ingredients such as oils, cinnamon, and peppermint, it's never been easier to make your own beauty product at home. Your lips will feel softer, smoother, and more nourished. You can say goodbye to the chapped and dry lips that winter can cause by exfoliating your way to better lips.

